
This exhibit could not exist without the efforts of many members of the Old Books New Science lab and the Digital Tools for Manuscript Study project team.

Since 2001, Alexandra Gillespie has been compiling a handlist of over 100 manuscripts containing notes thought to be in the hand of John Stow. She worked with identifications by cataloguers, notes generously provided to her by A.I. Doyle, Andrew Watson, and A.S.G. Edwards, and her own discoveries in manuscript libraries.

Jessica Henderson undertook a new phase of in-person archival work on John Stow’s books in the mid 2010s. During several research trips, she examined all 100 manuscripts on Gillespie's handlist, and confirmed that approximately 75 of them contained John Stow’s hand. She collected data on these manuscripts, took photos where permitted, and transcribed those she could not photograph. 

Madeleine Elson and Laura Mitchell, with assistance from Cai Henderson, Jessica Lockhart, Julia King, and Julia Mattison, created transcriptions of John Stow's annotations using J. Henderson's photographs and notes. Mitchell also prepared images and annotations for serving in the Mirador viewer. Gillespie, J. Henderson, Mitchell, and Rachel DiCresce wrote the text of the exhibit. Most recently, Una Creedon-Carey acquired library image permissions and updated the website, with support from Alice Hutton Sharp.

Rachel DiCresce and Dickson Law comprise the Stow project's technical team. Law is responsible for the creation of the IIIF plugin.